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He was an apostle. He was ready to die with Jesus when Christ went to Jerusalem, but is best remembered for doubting the Resurrection until allowed to touch Christ’s wounds. Preached in Parthia and India, through he was so reluctant to start the mission that he had to be taken into slavery by a merchant headed that way. He eventually gave into God’s will, was freed, and planted the new Church over a wide area. He formed many parishes and built many churches along the way. His symbol is the builder’s square, from an ancient story that built a place for King Guduphara in India. He was stabbed with a spear in 72A.D, in India.

About the School

St Thomas is a Consolata Missionaries founded and parent owned primary school which was erected within the heart of Bweyogerere Town, under the protection of our Lady Consolata, Bweyogerere Catholic Parish.

Consolata Fathers, who had first arrived in Uganda in 1985 at the kind invitation of Kampala Archdiocesan priests Association, acronym KAPA on evangelical Christ Mission, had responded fast to the communities’ priorities request for a primary school construction. Thomas Bazitya (RIP), one of the Christian who had earlier allotted part of his land where the school now stands, chose St. Thomas the apostle, as the patron saint with a combination of Bazadde meaning parents in Luganda language, St Thomas Bazadde primary school became more of parent owned than believing a church supported project.

The tripartite dialogue between the parents, the Archdiocesan priests and Consolata Missionaries, represented by Rev.Fr. Louis Barabante (RIP) unanimously approved St Thomas School project started with immediate effect. The pioneer management Team chose, “No Pain, No Gain” as the foundation motto to inculcate among both teachers and pupils that spiritual building of the nation was reflected under this institutional message; and no gain is achieved on the silver plate.

Today, parents are proud to see St Thomas Bazadde primary school is now on the right path both to development and academic. Since its inception, first grade always being received were not exceeding six. At the advent of 2010 as the benchmark changes started occurring. The number of the first and second grades, geometrically began rising, now St Thomas Bazadde primary school is among the best performers in Wakiso District. The exceptional performance gave rise to the Ministry of Education and Sports to approve a request for emergency assistance to erect two classrooms blocks to mitigate the number of pupils being offered addition under the framework of government plans for the Universal Primary Education (UPE).

Early in may 2012, St. Thomas Bazadde primary school was graced with a grant, amounting to Ugx 119M/= from the Ministry of Education and Sport Emergency Resources Envelope for the construction of two classrooms blocks now envisaged to mitigate space for school children.

This emergency assistance is meant for provision of catalytic initiatives in energizing improved dialogue with government and donor agencies for additional resources that would replace existing building structure, with modern facilities, matching with the United Nations Millennium Development Goals. Currently, the school shelters, over 712 pupils of whom 326 being boys and 386 girls respectively.

The new construction structures now in progress, when completed will expand overall classroom space to approximately fifty percent, where majority of the pupils will be shifted into new classroom spaces.

Project Progress

The project progress has witnessed a number pros and cons. From the technical perspective, several meetings have been held on schedule, with site visit done, by the project construction committee have been suggesting bright ideas, which may be relevant in future projects programming, once funding permits.

For instance, members in our progressive meeting had suggested to introduce workmanship insurance compensation in case of injuries arise to workers and other personalities passing nearby. The school administration visited some of the leading insurance vendors in town and gathered the relevant information for reviewing the possibility of insurance policies which may be applicable. When the meeting examined the risks benefits involved, it was worthy having a life insurance package, but the amount coverage pegged to this facility was unacceptable, and it was not included in the blanket budget provision offered by the Ministry. Therefore, it was decided to request the Project Contractor to make provision of insurance coverage within his human resource financial management.

Work Done Earned Credit

At this time, work so far that reached wall plate level, has received utmost appreciation from the Governance Commission and the School Construction Committee is proud to see the buildings in construction are of classic status. The buildings were being examined interlocked with iron piane at every three bricks course levels laid. These piane keep the building walls stronger, thus avoiding cracks, arising from vibrations caused by heavy traffic along the highway and moving trains. Ti is also worth of note, both the dam course and ring beams has been constructed with recommended ratios of cement and iron bars measuring nine inches high. From the perspective outlook, the project shows real value of funds allotted for, with a very strong classroom prospect, when the project gets terminated.

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St.Thomas Bazadde Bweyogerere Catholic Primary School, P.O.Box 6988, Kampala Uganda.

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+256 782 157 570

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