I have the pleasure to extend my profound appreciation to all of you having spared your valuable time to browse through our website. Before proceeding any further, allow me to thank Rev. Fr. Caesar Joseph Walusimbi (IMC) most sincerely, through backbreaking initiative, St. Thomas Bazadde Primary School has been now pressed on the right path to sustainable academic development and progress.
The word Bazadde is in Luganda.
When translated means parents. Therefore, the school is parent owned, under the Patronage of Our Lady Consolata Congregation (IMC). The School was founded in 1976. Its curriculum is being guided by the Universal Primary Education, whose acronym is UPE.
Similarly, St. Thomas Bazadde Primary School felt pleased when it was chosen out of many Schools beyond Kira Municipal Council to implement, the Tree Planting Project funded by the Rotary Club of Bunga under the School Environment Club.
This project has been introduced, to coincide with 100 years (Centenary Season) of Rotary International existence in Africa. The visit of Rotarians to our school have energized our children to get involved in tree planting We further feel pleased, when this project was inaugurated, it coincided with the canonization of the proclamation of St. Joseph Allamano, founder of the Consolata Missionaries Congregation (IMC).
Also St Joseph Allamano was accepted to become the Patron Saint of the Project. In conclusion, I thank everybody in advance, after reading through our website and be able to send us any comments you may find appropriate that will help us also improve our message development in future. Yours in Christ
No Pain, No Gain
Nsigalira Augustine